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PREGEL Non-Wipe Clear Cangel Non-Heat

PREGEL Non-Wipe Clear Cangel Non-Heat

Regular price $0.00 SGD
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PREGEL Non-Wipe Clear Cangel Non-Heat
Non-Wipe Clear Cangel Non-Heat from Pregel.
This Cangel is easier to use, with no hardening heat while maintaining its transparency and luster.
A top coat gel for thin applications that does not require wiping, and can also be used for metallic or mirror art.
Use the top gel as a coating after hardening. If applied thickly, it may cause hardening heat and cloudiness, so apply thinly.
●Cautions for handling this product
-Compared to regular Cangel, it contains many ingredients that continue to harden even when exposed to light even a little. If the gel on the brush reacts to light, the hardening reaction may continue even in the bottle.
-Even during use, do not leave the lid open, but cover it with aluminum foil or something similar. Also, if gel adheres around the mouth, wipe it well before closing the lid.
-Do not place the brush near a light while using. (It will harden)

PREGEL ノンワイプクリア キャンジェル ノンヒート
プリジェルからノンワイプクリア キャンジェルノンヒート。
・ご使用中であってもフタを開けたままにせずアルミホイルなどを被せてご使用下さい。 また口の周りにジェルが付着した場合はよく拭いてからふたを締めて下さい。
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